Friday, September 19, 2008

Volcanic Eurpt

Mt. Cleveland which is located in Alsaka. It is at an altitude 8550 feet up in the air. This type of volcanoe is at a yellow warning which means. It is not showing a sign of eurption but it is showing signs that it could eurpt. It is a type of volcanoe called a composite. Which means it the most dangerous type of volcanic eurptions

Friday, September 12, 2008

Earthquake and Hurrican

1. The two articles that I read were Earthquake hit Japan and Indonesia and the second one was Sea Floods Texas Island; Get Out or Certain Death.

2.The first was Earthquake hit Japan and it was about an earthquake that hit the Japanese coastline and anorther earthquake that had hit Indonesia. The one that hit Japan was a 7.0 and the one that had hit Indonesia was 6.6

3. The second was Sea Flodd Texas Island; Get Out or Certain Death. This article is based around hurrican Ike. They are telling the people of this Texas Island to leave the island because if they do not leave the island. They are going to die thats why the said " Get Out or Certain Death.

4. The most disasterous is hurrican Ike because. They are already telling people to get out and leave the island because hurrican Ike is gaining so much strength over the Gulf of Mexico and is only getting stronger.

5.The earthquake and hurrican Ike are simlar becuase bot of them are natural disasters and can cause a lot of damage. They are not alike because an earthquake orginates from a focus thats on a fault and a hurrican orginates from a thunderstorm that comes into the Atlantic Ocean

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Earhquakes tend to happen around the pacific coast. Which happens in the San Fransico Bay area in Califronia. Which has a lot of earthquakes in this type of area.

I think it is this because of the fault that is right near there. Which earthquakes tend to happen right where the faults would be at.

Also there can be the plates that are moving right there under that particular area. The area where this happens is called the San Andreas fault where there was the San Fransico earthquake had happen it and orginated at.

The closest earthquake is in the region of Southern Missouri. Which the magintude was 2.7 and happen Tuesday September 2, 2008.

The earthquake that happen in the last seven days has been in the Southeastern of Missouri. Which happened on the day of September 2, 2008. Which people as far away as Clarksville, Texas felt it. Its magintude was 2.7 and the depth was 9.4 Km

Friday, September 5, 2008

Real Life example of Mass Movement

This week in class we learned and talked about mass movement. We also talked about the 5 types of mass movement which is rockfall, rockslide, slump, mudflow, and earthflow. Each of these are different types of mass movement.

The type I choose to talke about is mudflow. A mudflow is mud that flows quickly or fast. This type of flow is dangerous because it is destrouctive flow. This flow take deberis for miles all the way until it can get to a stoping point. People think that this flow is harmless and cannot do anything but this is one of mother natures most destrouctive forces. This type of flow can hurt and damage buildings, people, and our enviorment and ecosystem . So it is a type of flow that should not be taken lightly. This type flow happens in areas like mountains, pleatues, and some hills. So be very cautious if you encounter this type of flow