Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fragile X

Fragile X is a the common form of retardation. Fragile X is a dissorder that affects the face and how you process things in your brain like education and other things. Everybody or people who have the disorder does not have to show the same symptoms or any sign of the dissorder, but all people will show about or near the same symptoms in the following:
  • Education
  • Speech
  • Physical
  • Social emotion
  • Senes

Fragile X is carried and passed down through the father. It is carried on the X chromosome which means your more likely to give a female this dissorder than giving it to a male. The dissorder cannot be detected before birth. It can be detcted after birth. If the parents want to get tested they can and if they have the dissorder than they can have a plan set in motion so that the child can learn what they can do to help them and make it easier on them when they have the dissorder. This is what the doctors will tell you and will tell you to see a thrapist so that the thyrapist can tell you what all you can do and will give you schedule that the child could come and see them and help them with the dissorder. The envirment does not change or alter the gene that carries the dissorder.





Wednesday, December 3, 2008

H.R. Diagram

1. The main squence of the H.R Diagram is to show relationships between aboslute maginitude and tempature of a star.

2.There is about 90 percent of stars on this diargram and our star the Sun is one of the stars that is on thier.

3. The sun is a main squence star.

4.What will happen is that the sun will burn out in a bout 4 billion years from now.

5.The picture above is about the H.R. diagram which shows the main squences of the stars that is in our galaxy which our the main squence.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stars and Stars name

1. The 10 stars are the Sun, Barnards star, Ross, Rigil kentaurs, Alpha Centauri, Sirrus, Proxima, Lyten, Procyn, and Wolf 359.

2. The star that I choose is the Alpha Centauri star.

3. The Alpha Centauri is one of three Centauri stars that are one of the brightiest stars in the galaxy and in the universe.

4. Some scientist think that there is a planet near or close to the stars because. They had released a paper saying that there might be anorther planet that holds life because. They had a reading that there was a cloud that formed near the stars that previously created and formed the Earth.

5.The Alpha Centauri is near and possibly located in the Milky Way Galaxy.

6.The Alpha Centauri is about 23.7 Astromonicla Units from Earth.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008



1. What is the defenition for Geocentric?

2. What does heliocentric means and who gave the theory of it?

3. What is the retrograde motion used for and who came up with the theory of it?

4. How did the ellipse get its name and what does it really means.

5. what does one astronomical unit equals to?

6. What did Johannes Kepler do as a person and what theory did he believed?

7. What theory did Galileo proved to be true?

8. What was Tycho Brahe main job to do?

9. When Did Nicolas Copernicus die?

10. What does revolution and rotation do in the solar system?

Friday, November 14, 2008



Titan is one of Saturns moon and the second largest moon in the Solar System. Scientist have said that Titan has an atmosphere and could possible habe held water, but the water is frozen due to it's low surface tempature. The Voyager was suppose to take pictures of Titan like the atmosphere and the ground if it could. The Voyager could not get a picture of the ground because of Titans dense clouds. It is larger that bot Mecury and Pluto. The tempature is -289 degrees.

Dark Energy

Dark Enegy makes up about 70 percent of the Universe that we live in and sometimes see. Scientist at Nasa are trying to determine that properties. That make up Dark Energy. They are using telescopes like the Hubble Telescope and future telescopes as well. In trying to determine dark energy. Scientist at Nasa are saying that Supernovas and Dark Energy are trying to over power each other for a type of reason that they do not understand yet.

Black Holes

Black Holes are or is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing can escape it. Black holes are so strong because all of the black holes energy is at the center of it and all of the matter in the black hole is in a small concentrated center. Nasa is saying that black holes from when a star loses it nuclear fuel and is crushed by its own gravitational pull. So this is a way that black holes from. Astronomers are saying that Milky Way Galaxy ( the galaxy that we live in) contains about a million of black holes.

Ultimate Fate of the Unvierse

The ultimate fate of the universe cannot be determined yet because. It might changed in the future. Scientis at Nasa are saying that it is depending on gravity like the push and pull theory. Also about Earth in the future as well. Some of them is also talking and telling about how life might live long or short time. It is really unpredictable, but in the future are in sometime they might make a logic prediction or an hypothesis that what really might happen in the future.

Saturn Rings

Saturn has seven thin and flat rings around the planet. The rings makes Saturn one of the most beatiful planets in the universe. The rings are basically around the equator of the planet and the rings do no touch the planet as well. The rings were discovere around sometime in the 1600s. It was discovered by the Italien astronomer Galileo. Anorther astronomer by the name of Huygens said that. There is a very thin and flat ring around the planet Saturn. In 1980 all of the rings were discovered in this year and time.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wind Effects

1.The three factors are: Friction, Pressure Gradiant, and Coriolos Effect.

2. The most important is Pressure Gradiant because it is the amount of pressure change occuring over a given amoune of time that is needed like distant.

3.If the Coriolos Effect did not happen then we really would not be moving as we did. Like the Earth would not be rotating as it do then. If we did not have this effect.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Air masses

1. The four type of air mass are cP, mP, cT, and mT.

2. The one that brings me or us the most favorite type of weather is martime Tropical because. It is near or located near the equator where the is a lot of warm weather.

3. The five things that I like is :

  • Warm weather

  • sunny out

  • get to play with friends

  • walk around

  • where t-shirt or shorts.