Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Offshore Drilling

1. Offshore drilling is when you drill off the coast looking for oil and pumping oil and transporting it.
2.It is good because the US will be able to make its own oil supply and rely on other countries.
3. It is bad because the US might have anorther oil spill right outside or on the coast of a beach of a state.
4.I feel that it is about time for the US to make and produced its own oil so we do not have to rely on foreighn countries

Friday, October 24, 2008


1.The greenhouse effect is the heating of Earth do to the presence of greenhouse gases.

2.The three most common gases are Carbon Dioxide, Methane ,andNitrious Oxide.

3. They are produced by defestoration, cars, decaying plants or little tiny paricles, oceans, and bacteria in soil.

4. The impact that it has in our society is greatly impacted our society. Like some researchers are saying that this type of climate is good for our farming and producing food. While in some other cases it is dangerous like our oceans and seas are slowly starting to warm which means that they are starting to rise increasing the sea level. They say that global warming is also leading to health effects and the health effect right now is heat itself because. Heat can cause heat strokes and other health effects.

5. Well I say that it is both because. Global warming helps us produce our food like corn much faster than any other century, but it also leads up to health concerns like strokes or passing out from dehydration. Which can easily kill us if we do no act now. So basically i am for it but at the same time I am not for it.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Summary Blogs

I deserve 50/50 because I have all of my blogs. All of my spelling, grammer, and punctuation is corredt. My questions and blogs are thought through throughly and are relevant to all of the topics that we have been talking about. I also belive that I have everything correct including apporiate words and the apporiate pictures to everything. All of the topics we talked about explain everything that I truly belive that we have already gone over.

Anthony Bullette

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What Is Your Favorite Animal.

Polar Bears
1. Polar Bears eat small seals, fish, small whales, and other types of aquatic life.
2. Polar Bear hunts about anything and everything it can.
3. It hibernates during the winter and do not come out until spring comes.