Thursday, August 21, 2008

Geothermal Energy

Today we learned. Renewable and non-renewable resources. That had included Geothermal, Wind, Solar, and Water energy. All of these energies are good and they also have thier drawbacks also.

But my favorite energy is Geothermal. I like it beacause of it deals with the heat. It is some what and endless supply of energy right now. If you want this type of renewable energy you have to first. Drill a hole that is narrow but also very deep almost near lava ( magma). The next a machine that will take the heat to the Geothermal power plant. Then there it will be turned into power and be distributed into the houses of people. This energy also have drawbacks. Its major drawback is that if you build all of this near a volcanoe. There is a possibility that it will melt if the vocanoe eurpted and then you will to replace all that was gone and that will cost a lot of money to replace it. The estimate is no less that 16,000$.

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