Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Earhquakes tend to happen around the pacific coast. Which happens in the San Fransico Bay area in Califronia. Which has a lot of earthquakes in this type of area.

I think it is this because of the fault that is right near there. Which earthquakes tend to happen right where the faults would be at.

Also there can be the plates that are moving right there under that particular area. The area where this happens is called the San Andreas fault where there was the San Fransico earthquake had happen it and orginated at.

The closest earthquake is in the region of Southern Missouri. Which the magintude was 2.7 and happen Tuesday September 2, 2008.

The earthquake that happen in the last seven days has been in the Southeastern of Missouri. Which happened on the day of September 2, 2008. Which people as far away as Clarksville, Texas felt it. Its magintude was 2.7 and the depth was 9.4 Km

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